Monday 8 October 2012

Pimps & Hoes & Carnage

"Glorifying pimps isn't fantasy; it's a nightmare!" Screams the ever helpful @PaulBlomfieldMP. Since when did dressing up for a night out result in the glorification of anything? if anything its people laughing at the realities of life. Does Halloween result in Children growing up to be psychotic mass murderers? You would expect a politician to understand that reality and fantasy are two entirely different things.

Ed Balls dressing up as a Nazi did not result in the introduction of death camps in Morley and Outwood. We keep getting the usual crap from the usual suspects? Firstly its good easy headlines, who would ever want to be a pimp or a hoe, its a no brainier. except this is not what the event is about, or the dressing up is about. Nice simple Brownie points for protecting the civic virtue by a champion of women's rights. Keep up your Profile is @PaulBlomfieldMP mantra.

So if a women quite liked the idea of selling her body for sex, would @PaulBlomfieldMP protect her rights to do just that, after all its her body? I doubt it. @PaulBlomfieldMP would be the deranged priest in the middle ages telling the Peasants not to pretend to be farm animals, "ungodly" he would shout, expect in the 21st Century we have a brand new type of Puritan, the secular one. the same mind set, the flock need a Shepard, they are not wise enough or adult enough to know the difference between the fantasy and the reality.

Maybe I am too liberal in my social attitudes? maybe a more interesting and enlightening pub crawl based on the symbolism of the Pimps & Hoes event, but a Labour and Bankers one. Think Edutainment. After all its the current generation who the bill and social costs fall too.

The Pimps can be the Bankers, always looking to maximize their returns, little morality and even less sense. The Hoes can be the Labour party, selling their soul for a little bit of power, giving a snarling quickie "no more boom and bust" to a stupid punter, that would be us the voter. The money rolls in and your intelligence rolls out, anesthetised like all Pimp and Hoe relationships become. A quick thrill with no strings attached, no lasting feeling so you will be back for more. A relationship in tatters, zombie politics from the zombie party. It pretty well sums up the 13 years of Labour rule the young adults on the pub crawl will be paying for does it not? They are going to need a big dose of fantasy to help with the stark realities they will face, I would not begrudge them that.

Stay out of trouble and have a ball. And as you go through life look out for the real and dangerous Pimps & Hoes. Maybe for @PaulBlomfieldMP and his like the event is a little too close to the bone.