Saturday 13 October 2012

Edl In Rotherham, A Comment

A coment made here. 
Mine are usually removed, so here it is in all its glory

Shall we face a few facts? Ive only time for the one so lets take the big one.

EDL are marching in Rotherham not because mainstream politics has failed, its because the monopoly the Labour party holds has failed. mainstream politics does not exist in Rotherham too fail.

If there was mainstream politics in Rotherham then the situation where the gross misconduct and management in a vital public service that is Social care might have been spotted and avoided or maybe, just maybe been a little less off the scale than it is.

So you call for unity, I call for division, If you wish to solve a problem then the best way to do so is to get as many different minds from as many different backgrounds to give yourself the maximum chance of solving the problem or problems that we face. Rotherham cannot do this because of the monopoly of power that Labour holds. ' but this is how democracy works' you would say. Fair enough.

But this is how economics work. You screw up on a corporate scale and you will be held to account by the victims you failed. That will result in higher public liability premiums that of course the guilty will not pay, but the voters of Rotherham will pay. And if you want evidence of this, News Internationals insurers are threatening to retrospectively remove their public liability insurance. You have been warned, the coming bill might not even be covered.

So you might well have an Political monopoly but you don't have a economic one, which is at least some restraint on your reckless management of public services.

As for your brazen misquote of MLK. No, You make a choice in your religion. You don't have a choice in your skin colour or sexual preference. So yes I and others can judge you on your free choices, this is called democracy.